Meaning Of The Term Poker Face
Posted : admin On 11/19/2019
‘Does he regularly practice his poker face in front of the mirror?’ ‘Students usually keep a poker face because they don't want to be called on.’ ‘It's a poker face that's required in this game, and I've never been much good at cards.’ ‘The joy of it is in the sweat and butterflies, the clamped lips and steely eyes of the poker. Poker-faced definition, an expressionless face: He can tell a funny story with a poker face. Poker face, a Total lack of expression; deadpan. This term comes from gambling, where the astute player tries not to betray the quality of his or her hand by remaining expressionless. Nov 08, 2019 Definition of Face Card What does the term 'face card' mean in poker? What is the definition of the term 'face card'? In poker, a 'face card' is any Jack, Queen or King. The term 'face card' comes from the fact that the Jack, Queen and King all have faces, while the rest of.
Also found in: Thesaurus, Idioms, Wikipedia.The phrase poker face is a phrase thrown around constantly to refer to keeping one’s emotions in check. Upon meeting someone with a stoic nature one might comment, “That’s quite. Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: poker face (Noun) An impassive facial expression cultivated to prevent other players from determining whether one's actions in the game are the result of a quality hand, or of bluffing. Poker face (Noun) Any similar expression used to prevent giving away one's motives, feelings, or situation. Noun C uk /ˈpəʊ.kə ˌfeɪs/ us /ˈpoʊ.kɚ ˌfeɪs/. › an expression on someone's face that does not show what they are thinking or feeling: to wear/keep a poker face. One of the most difficult things to do in an emotionally charged situation is to maintain a poker face. Seneca casino poker room.
poker face
n.Out Of Term Meaning
poker face
pok′er face`
Noun | 1. | poker face - a face without any interpretable expression (as that of a good poker player) poker game, poker - any of various card games in which players bet that they hold the highest-ranking hand countenance, visage - the appearance conveyed by a person's face; 'a pleasant countenance'; 'a stern visage' |
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